The Day a Faithful Dog Saved Me from Fraud



How are you? I'm Anurag, and I used to work at a well-known Public Sector Bank in Chennai in the car loan department. Back in 2015, when I was just starting out as a banker, something unexpected happened that taught me how important it is to stay alert.


I got an application for a car loan one morning that didn't seem quite right. The papers looked like they were real, but something didn't feel right. So, I went to the address listed on the application to make sure the person lived there.

Challenges faced by a banker

As I got closer to the house, I noticed that the party inside didn't want to let me in. Strangely, they answered my questions from behind the closed gate. But what really got to me was how loudly their own dog was barking, not at me, but at them. It was as if the dog could tell there was something wrong with these people


As I asked the family why their dog was acting like that, I noticed something odd. The lady and the guy both tried to answer at the same time but stopped abruptly. They exchanged glances and seemed to silently agree on what to say next. Then, the lady nervously said that the dog might be sick. Their reactions throughout the conversation was something very strange. Even though I was interested, I couldn't check their Aadhar details that day because I couldn't get into their house.


I decided to try again that night after work. But I was surprised to find the house empty. I heard from the neighbor's that the party had left a week before. I couldn't help but wonder if they were trying to trick the bank or just didn't have a real address for their new home.


I went back to the bank, confused by what had happened, unable to forget it. I knew deep down that something was wrong. I decided to go with my gut and report my findings to the higher-ups because I thought there might have been fraud.


As time went on, I was right about what I thought. It turned out that the application was part of a bigger scheme to steal money from a number of financial institutions. We avoided a possible fraud attempt because I paid close attention and the dog helped us out of the blue.


That event taught me an important lesson: in my line of work, I should always pay attention to even the smallest details. It also taught me that sometimes the most unexpected allies can save the day, like that watchful dog.


As my career in banking went on, I became known for being careful and paying attention to details. I told my co-workers about my experience and told them to never doubt their gut feelings.


When I look back, I'm thankful for that loyal dog and the experience that helped me get where I am today. It taught me that in banking and in life in general, being careful and listening to our gut feelings can make all the difference.



If you have any captivating tales like this while working as a banker, we invite you to share them with us. Whether it's a heart-warming incident, an unexpected turn of events, or a story of vigilance and trust, we are eager to read your experiences.


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