Why Life Insurance Matters in Housing Loans



In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fragile nature of human life has been exposed like never before. As bankers, we have a unique vantage point to witness the repercussions of unforeseen events on families and society. While the importance of insurance has garnered some attention, the momentum is fading, and a significant percentage of borrowers remain unprotected. In this article, we delve into the critical need for mandatory insurance coverage for the life of borrowers availing various loan products and how it can safeguard both families and banks from the burden of unexpected tragedies.


It was years back, when I was heading a branch and a family approached my cabin in the midst of my regular routine at the bank, their faces etched with anguish and frustration. They had lately lost a close family member, who also happened to be the household's sole breadwinner. This devastating death had left the surviving spouse with both mental suffering and tremendous financial responsibility, as they were now alone liable for the home loan they had taken out.

Life Insurance Matters in Housing Loans

 The family members were inconsolable, wanting to know why their deceased loved one's loan had not been insured. Their emotions were raw, and their interrogation was both passionate and heartfelt.


The truth was we tried very much to convince the now-deceased person to take a life insurance cover. Despite our team's honest efforts to persuade the now-deceased borrower and their spouse to consider life insurance, we were unsuccessful. They saw life insurance as an unnecessary expense and elected not to purchase it. Many bankers reading this would have come across such situation in their life where we genuinely tried to convince the borrowers to insure their loan against their life, but failed.


The Current Scenario


Building insurance, also known as property insurance, is compulsory when availing home loans. It safeguards both the borrower's investment and the lender's interests in case of damage or destruction to the property. This mandatory requirement ensures that all borrowers protect the physical asset used as collateral for the loan.


On the other hand, life insurance is not mandated for borrowers, and this is where the concerning trend emerges. While borrowers diligently insure the building, they may overlook the need to secure their lives, leaving their families vulnerable to financial hardships in case of an unforeseen tragedy.


According to information gathered from various insurance companies through inquiries, it has been revealed that less than 25 percent of the home loans offered by PSBs (Public Sector Banks) have life insurance coverage for the borrowers.


The Consequences of Uninsured Loans


When a borrower with an outstanding loan amount passes away unexpectedly, their family is left vulnerable and burdened with both emotional and financial distress. The loss of a sole breadwinner can lead to devastating consequences for the surviving family members, pushing them into a spiral of debt and insecurity. In such cases, banks also face challenges in recovering the loan amount, leading to potential losses that can impact their overall financial health.


Bankers' Genuine Efforts and Customer Perceptions


As bankers, we genuinely care about the well-being of our clients and advocate for insurance coverage to protect their families. However, we understand the reluctance of some borrowers who perceive insurance as an extra financial burden. Striking a balance between persuading clients to opt for insurance while ensuring they don't shy away from taking loans is a delicate challenge we often face.


Some borrowers may view life insurance as an unnecessary additional cost, especially if they are already managing their finances cautiously. Others might have misconceptions about the complexity of the insurance process or the affordability of premiums.


The Need for Government Intervention


While individual efforts are essential, the government must take a bold step to make insurance coverage for borrowers mandatory. Implementing a policy that compels borrowers to insure their lives when availing retail loans, such as personal loans, car loans, and home loans, will provide much-needed security to families and reduce the burden on banks.


Benefits of Mandatory Insurance for Borrowers


Financial Security for Families: Mandatory insurance coverage will act as a safety net, ensuring that if an unforeseen tragedy strikes, the family will be financially protected from the burden of loan repayments.


Mitigating Risks for Banks: Insuring borrowers' lives reduces the risk of non-repayment due to unfortunate events, thereby safeguarding banks from potential losses.


Strengthening the Economy: By reducing the number of non-performing assets and aiding families in times of distress, the overall economy will gain stability and resilience.


Fostering a Responsible Borrowing Culture: With mandatory insurance, borrowers will become more aware of the importance of planning for the future, leading to a more responsible borrowing culture.




The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of human life, urging us to rethink our approach to financial planning and security. Making insurance coverage for borrowers mandatory for retail loans is a vital step towards safeguarding families and strengthening the banking sector. As bankers, we will continue to advocate for our clients' well-being and encourage them to view insurance not as an added cost but as a fundamental pillar of protection. Together with the government's intervention, we can build a more secure and resilient future for our society.



If you have any captivating tales like this while working as a banker, we invite you to share them with us. Whether it's a heart-warming incident, an unexpected turn of events, or a story of vigilance and trust, we are eager to read your experiences.


Please feel free to share your stories with us at psbdigest@gmail.com

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